
Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Tugas Pak Budi

Eko   :      excuse me, I found this wallet in the road. Is your wallet ?
Doni  :      Oh yes this is my wallet. Thanks a lot.
Eko   :      you are welcome. What is your name ?
Doni  :      my name is Doni, and you ?
Eko   :      I’m Eko.
Doni  :      where do you come from ?
Eko   :      I come from senior high school of Nusa Bangsa. And you ?
Doni  :      I come from senior high school one of Surabaya.
Eko   :      I want continue study at Surabaya university. In senior high school I
got a trophy because I got the most high value of exhibition.
Doni   :      oh yes, congratulation on your success !
Eko   :      thank you very much
Doni   :      yes. Ok, where do you live ?
Eko   :      live in jl.panggreman. and you ?
Doni   :      I live in jl.pahlawan. oh yes, may I go to your home ?
Eko   :      certainly. When do you go to my home ?
Doni   :      what about tomorrow at 3 p.m. ?
Eko   :      OK. I angrre with you.

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

 arti cinta

Love is a feeling that given by God on a pair of human beings to each other .... (love each other, have each other, meet each other, mutual understanding etc.). Love itself can not be enforced at all, love can only be brjalan if to-2 split phiak do "each other" is ... love can not start if they are selfish. Because in touch, we would want a couple more attention and it can only be from understanding partner.

Love is giving love instead of chains. Love also can not be imposed and sometimes are not even coming on accidentally. Love beautiful but the pain he left behind sometimes lasts longer than love itself. Limits of love and hate are also very thin but with a love of the world that we live feel lighter.

Love is a feeling someone of the opposite sex because of interest in something that is owned by the opposite sex (such as the nature, face, etc.). But the necessary understanding and mutual understanding in order to continue the relationship, must mutually shortfalls and willing to accept their partner as it is, without coercion by either party. Sharing love together and share their grief together.

Love is something pure, white, sincere and pure that arise without any coercion or there is something artificial, I personally think that love can make that person can be motivated to make changes that lebihb aik than before he knew that love. Love is something that is sacred and we must not desecrate the holy love it with all our egoisan who just want a delicious delicious for us and not for you. TIPS: to preserve the love needed UNDERSTANDING!
An inner feelings yangmembuatnya human sacrifice anything for their beloved ones happiness. His sacrifice is sincere, will not expect a reply. If for example, gave many gifts to the person but on the condition that person must respond with his girlfriend want to be, it is not love his name. Love can not be measured with the material or that derived from the mortal world. And believe me ... the greatest love is usually always come from the biological mother, not from a girlfriend (boyfriend because love can fade any time soon or after marriage).

Love, make happy, sad or blind. Love is full of sacrifice, the bitterness, the beauty and warmth. Love is a desire to give without having to ask for anything, but love will become more beautiful if both give and receive, so the warmth, harmony and togetherness through life can be achieved. Love is a word that has many meanings, depending on how we put this in life. Ai wa atatakai koto da.

Love can make people blind to everything just for the sake of love towards her lover. We also know what it means to love it. Psti Love can make people feel joy and sorrow at the same time when we try to get happiness together. So not for our own happiness. Nevertheless we must not served until one steps in order not to misery. Do it for someone you love so you do not feel useless without the order. Because that's what makes life more alive (Losta Masta).

Love is a feeling of warmth that can make us realize how precious we are, and the presence of someone so precious to us to protect. Love is not limited to words alone, for love is much more precious than the treasures of the world's most expensive too. When someone holds your hand and say "I love you ..." would be a warm feeling special! Therefore, when you've found someone so precious to you, do not ever remove it! But sometimes love is so painful, and the only way to show your love is just merlekan him go.

Love is a feeling that no one can know when to come, even though the owner's feelings. If we had known love, we'll be the happiest person in the world. However, if we love unrequited, we feel that we are the most miserable person and we will lose the passion for life. With love, we can learn to appreciate each other, and trying to protect those we love, apaun will happen to us. Ai ga kirei'n da!

Love is a priceless gift and it was given to the most perfect creature, man.

Love can not be uttered in words, can not be described with language apaun. Love can only be read with the language of love and also with feelings. Perasaanyang Love is universal, not mengenalgender, age, ethnicity or race. No matter how in love with fellow mansuia, with plants, animals, spirits, or with the Creator. Moreover, cintaitu blind. Degnan blind groping. So ... love that fumble ... (^ o ^) / ... grope that beloved heart's content ...

  Love ... to me that love can not interpret. I also confused about love, every time I asked about the meaning of love surely answer everybody is different. All I know LOVE is LOVE. Love like that will never air berahkir and in need of all living things. !@_@! :))

moto hidup

Meraih Sukses dengan Menjadi Kreatif

Menjadi sukses adalah tujuan hidup bagi sebagian besar orang. Salah satu modal untuk meraih kesuksesan adalah dengan menjadi individu yang kreatif. Dengan kreatifitas yang dimiliki seseorang disertai dengan pengambilan langkah-langkah yang tepat dalam mengembangkan kreatifitas tersebut, Kesuksesan bisa dicapai. Ada beberapa langkah awal yang dapat diambil untuk mencapai kesuksesan dengan memanfaatkan ide kreatif yang Anda miliki, diantaranya:

Coba sesuatu yang baru
Jangan pernah takut untuk mencoba, karena segala sesuatu hal berawal dari mencoba sampai akhirnya Anda sendiri yang menilai apakah Anda sudah mampu dalam bidang tersebut atau belum. Selain itu, dengan banyak mencoba Anda akan semakin tertempa untuk mampu menyelesaikan segala macam masalah yang Anda hadapi dalam bidang tersebut.

Mewujudkan ide
Jika Anda mempunyai ide positif, aplikasikan hal tersebut kedalam satu bidang yang mampu Anda pertanggung jawabkan.

Bergerak sedikit demi sedikit
Mulailah menggarap sedikit demi sedikit ide yang ada dalam pikiran Anda, jangan jadikan ide tersebut hanya sebatas wacana.

Banyak bertanya
Tanyakan kepada orang yang lebih berpengalaman karena hal itu akan menambah wawasan serta informasi yang kita butuhkan dalam memulai satu pekerjaan.

Banyak belajar
Mulailah membuka buku serta referensi lain yang ada hubungannya dengan ruang lingkup ide Anda.

primsip hidup
pertama, pensil mengingatkan kamu kalo  kamu bisa berbuat hal yang hebat dalam hidup ini.  Layaknya sebuah pensil ketika menulis, kamu jangan  pernah lupa kalau ada tangan yang selalumembimbing langkah kamu dalam hidup  ini. Kita menyebutnya tangan Tuhan, Dia akan selalu membimbing kita menurut kehendakNya" .

kedua, dalam proses menulis, nenek kadang beberapa kali  harus berhenti dan menggunakan rautan untuk menajamkan kembali pensil nenek.  Rautan ini pasti akan membuat si pensil menderita. Tapi setelah proses meraut  selesai, si pensil akan mendapatkan ketajamannya kembali. Begitu juga dengan kamu, dalam hidup ini kamu harus berani menerima penderitaan dan kesusahan,  karena merekalah yang akan membuatmu menjadi orang yang lebih baik".
ketiga, pensil  selalu memberikan kita kesempatan untuk mempergunakan penghapus, untuk  memperbaiki kata-kata yang salah. Oleh karena itu memperbaiki kesalahan kita dalam hidup ini, bukanlah hal yang jelek. Itu bisa membantu  kita untuk tetap berada pada jalan yang benar".

keempat, bagian yang paling penting dari  sebuah pensil bukanlah bagian luarnya, melainkanarang yang ada di dalam  sebuah pensil. Oleh sebab itu, selalulah hati-hati dan menyadari hal -hal di  dalam dirimu".

 kelima, adalah sebuah pensil selalu meninggalkan  tanda/goresan. Seperti juga kamu, kamu harus sadar kalau apapun yang kamu  perbuat dalam hidup ini akan meninggalkan kesan. Oleh karena ituselalulah  hati-hati dan sadarterhadap semua tindakan".